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This beautiful little man captivated me when I was walking down the bustling Rua de Santa Catarina of Porto town in Portugal, trying to find the Mercado do Bolhão (markets). 

Seeing a man with no eyesight playing the accordion so beautifully amongst all the madness surrounding him, made me stop in my tracks and my own mad rush too. I was drawn to so many things about this scene; talent, skill, inspiration, but above all, his simplicity.

All he has with him is his accordion, umbrella, his foldout chair, and a small recycled empty butter container for tips. He is set up in an unattractive corner of the strip, next to a set of vandalized roof sheets that are being used as a temporary wall. There is really no space for all the scurrying apostles of capitalism passing by (myself included), to stop and admire. Despite this, he was so passionate and soulfully involved in the melody he was playing.

There is no way to describe in words everything I was feeling and thinking at this moment, as I stood there watching the scenario. It was simply a moment in which you had to be there to experience and feel yourself. It certainly stood as a poignant affirmation of the reality we are in; simplicity in this life is and will just never be enough... but it's nice to be able to appreciate it.©

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